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70% Club

This page records score of 70% or higher during regular club sessions:



73.81 Mike Holdaway and Rachel Holdaway  2rder 31/1/2024

75.00  Colin Clemens and Peter Wilson 2rder  7/2/2024

70.00 Rewa Kyle and Mary Buckland    2 rder   22/5/2024

70.60%  Trish Downward and Mary Buckland  Handicap trophy 23/5/2024



70.37  Joyce Johnson/Mervyn Jones   Duplicate 20/02/2023

72.32  Trish Downward/Mary Buckland Individual Ladder 22/02/2023

71.21  Peter Wilson/John McDonald   Mary Mulligan 16/03/2023

70.64 Mervyn Jones/Alan Wright Party Night 7/09/2023

72.84Trish Downward/Peter Wilson Charity Night 12/10/2023

72.62 Peter Wilson/Pat Jordan  Valetta 25/10/2023

70.00 Peter Wilson and Bernadette van der Lem 2rder 8/11/2023

70.00 Rewa Kyle and Rosemary McLaughlin 2Rder 15/11/2023



John Fechney & Sue Rosevear 27/01/2022 Kops Trophy 72.05

Mary Buckland and Rosemary McLaughlin 2Rds 17/03/2022   76.64

Mary Buckland and Jim Rooney  22/03/2022  Robinson Salver 70.63

Mary Buckland and Amanda Evans  18/04/2022   Mixed Grade 72.92

Trish Downward and Peter Wilson  27/04/2022  Individual Ladder 70.00

Rewa Kyle and Kay Robb 15/06/2022  2 rds  73.44

Trish Downward and Peter Wilson  27/07/2022  Brabant 72.32

Alison Lovelock and Chris Lovelock  1/08/2022  Irwin   74.81

Ray Stevenson and Pauline Scott  12/09/2022 Irwin 70.45

Maree Moore and Jim Rooney  29/09/2022  Presidents 71.67

Karen Cettleburgh and Amanda Evans  B and C ladder  71.31

Mary Buckland and Trish Downward  27/10/2022  Presidents  70.3

Mary Buckland and Trish Downward  3/11/2022  Presidents  78.33



The highest score for 2021 was 74.52% by Peter Wilson and Alan Wright.

Mary Buckland and Trish Downward featured three times as a partnership in the 70% club. 

Mary Buckland and Trish Downward   11 Nov  Presidents  70.00

Peter Wilson and Alan Wright 18 Nov President  75.48



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