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Club Rules


Health and Safety Policy, adopted 10 May 2023  Click here 

Disputes Resolution Policy, adopted 10 May2023  click here 


If the "click here" links don't work, scroll further down to find the file to download

The new 2017 Laws came into effect on 1 August 2017.

To see the 2017 Laws of Duplicate Bridge click here

To join the NZ Director's forum click here

To see what is different from the previous 2007 laws click here

NZBridge guiedline to the new laws for players click here

NZBridge guiedline to the new laws for directors click here

NZB Director's quick reference guide click here

NZB system card webpage click here

A powerpoint from NZBridge on the new laws click here

A powerpoint from England on the new laws - what should happen click here

A powerpoint from England - what happens things go wrong click here

Notes on laws with significant changes:

Comparable bid - what is meant by this? click here

Call out of turn click here

Insufficient bid click here

Withdrawn call penalty click here

Bridge Protocol, by Carla Heslop

“Bridge Protocol” is a booklet written by Carla Heslop, a director from Christchurch. It covers many aspects of bridge. It will be useful for both beginner players and more experience players to read.

click here


Bridge protocol, or table etiquette, can be summed up in one word: COURTESY

Time is public property - don’t take more than your share.

A reasonable standard of dress is expected

Cell phones to be turned off during play

The following acts should be carefully avoided.

  1. Varying the method used in calling.
  2. Calling with special emphasis, inflection or intonation.
  3. Passing or doubling with exceptional haste or reluctance.
  4. Making a call with undue delay which may result in conveying improper information to partner.
  5. Indicating by facial expression or in any way showing approval or disapproval of partner’s call or play.
  6. Giving by word, manner or gesture an indication of hand held.
  7. Giving unauthorized information as to an incident of the auction or play.
  8. Volunteering information which should be given only in response to a question.
  9. Playing a card with special emphasis or playing a card with undue delay when it does not need consideration.
  10. Detaching a card from his hand before it is his turn to play or lead or detaching a card and then replacing it.
  11. Remarks or mannerisms which may deceive the opponents.


  1. Dummy must not touch a card from his hand unless directed to do so by declarer.
  2. Dummy may try to prevent an irregularity by declarer (e.g. ask declarer about a possible revoke, or warn declarer against leading from the wrong hand) but may not try to prevent an irregularity on the part of a defender.

Ashburton Bridge Club

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